Cutting-Edge Technology

My idea for a cutting-edge technology is a motorcycle similar to the motorcycles from the movie Tron. It would use technology like the Dyson bladeless fan. It actually does have blades, but they’re small and hidden in the base of the fan. The air is drawn in by a compressor in the base and then directed up into the ring. The motorcycle could have wheels like the Dyson bladeless fan. It could be strong enough to keep the motorcycle just above the ground. This technology would be useful to society because it wouldn’t use gasoline like other vehicles and help the environment. In the movie Tron, the motorcycles run on an electricity grid where they leave a trail of electricity behind them. They also go at really high speeds. I also think this technology would be valuable to customers because it would be really fun. Also it looks really cool. 


 Tron Light Cycle Clip


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Tron Light Cycle

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Dyson Bladeless Fan

Digital Camera Showcase

My theme is my kittens, Lucy in Daisy. I chose this theme because I love my kittens and I have a lot of fun playing with them.

Ethical Communication

I decided to use president Trump as my example of unethical communication. The president uses Twitter on a daily basis talking about issues in the U.S. and announcing new laws. He voices his opinions often, some of them rude. He has attacked several people on Twitter, including Hillary Clinton, who ran against Trump in the presidential elections. He has called Hillary “Crooked Hillary”. He also called democrat senator Elizabeth Warren “Pocahontas” in reference to her self-proclaimed Native American background. He named both of them in the same tweet: “Pocahontas just stated that the Democrats, lead by the legendary Crooked Hillary Clinton, rigged the Primaries! Let’s go FBI and Justice Dept.” Trump has also attacked the former president, president Obama: “Sadly, because president Obama has done such a poor job as president, you won’t see another black president for generations!” This is stereotyping a whole race, which Trump has done before with other races. Another example of this: “Eight Syrians were just caught on the Southern Border trying to get into the U.S. ISIS maybe? I told you so. WE NEED A BIG & BEAUTIFUL WALL.” I believe he thinks women are objects and he can do whatever he wants with them. I also believe that he thinks whites are superior to other races. Even though he is president, he is not equal to everyone. He has put a ban on anyone from Syria coming into to the U.S. with the stereotype that all Syrians are terrorists. I think this unethical communication because president Trump is being sexist and racist in the things he posts on social media.



Social Media

The “proper” way to use Instagram is to post appropriate things that are not offensive or rude. There is cyber-bullying, sexism, racism, and just people who unnecessarily voice their opinions on someone else’s culture, religion, etc. I personally know how bad social media can be by the friends I’ve had who stab you in the back. That’s why I think you shouldn’t post everything about yourself on social media, where people can use what they know against you. The purpose of Instagram is to share with your friends what you do in your everyday life. Also, many celebrities have social media where they post what they do every day. I use Instagram to talk to my friends and see what they’re doing. Or watch funny videos. I happen not to care what people think of me, my posts, or what or who I like. You shouldn’t use social media to attack anyone or a group of people. For example, when Donald Trump attacked Hillary Clinton on Twitter: “If Hillary Clinton can’t satisfy her husband what makes her think she can satisfy America?” I’ve seen a lot of offensive posts like this on Instagram and Twitter. I think everyone’s different and we shouldn’t judge each other based on those differences, or say bad things about them. Social Media is the place where we can all come together, not tear each other apart.

Things you should never post on Instagram

Donald Trump’s most offensive tweets


Dear Diary


My name is Alexis. I don’t like school. I hate math. I don’t like writing either. I have one sister and her name is Rachel. I live with my mom half of the week and the other half I live with my foster mom. Baby zebras are cute. I’m really good at cooking and baking. I want to be either a pediatrician or  teacher when I graduate college. I want to go to Texas State for college. I really like strawberries and chocolate and ice cream. I like watching Netflix and listening to music, but not at the same time. I’ve always wanted to go skydiving. I really like going to the beach and I want to learn surf. I want to be a pediatrician because I like being around kids and I like  helping people. I like drawing and I think I’m ok at it. I went to Ann Richards for middle school and it was the worst. I went to Crockett for my freshman year in highschool, and I got into a lot of trouble and that’s why I now go to Premier. I have two kittens and they need to eat less food or they will get obese. I play soccer and I play as either keeper or defense. My sister is really annoying and she likes to take my clothes and wear them. I like staying home and watching Netflix. I love naps (especially in the afternoon). Baby ducks are really cute too. I want to get one and keep it in my bathtub. I like listening to music. My favorite artists are Drake and Troye Sivan. If I could I would listen to music 24/7. I play guitar, but I’m not that good. My favorite color is blue. I really like graffiti. I think it’s really cool and it’s also really fun to do.


Austin Graffiti

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